Article 1 Purpose

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Company and its members in relation to the use of the space brokerage platform "Jagong" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by Flavial (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), and the matters necessary for the use of the Service.

Definitions of terms in Article 2

  1. "The "Service" refers to the online service provided by the Company through the "Operation" for customers to share and reserve spaces.
  2. "Space" refers to an owned or occupied space that a Host Member registers through the Services provided by the Company.
  3. "Site" means the website on which Company operates the Service.
  4. Customers who access the Company's Services and enter into a use agreement with the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and use the Services provided by the Company are divided into "General Members" and "Host Members" according to the purpose of using the Services. (1) General Member: A "Member" who enters into a use agreement with the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and can use the Services provided by the Company. "General Member" also refers to "Customer"; (2) Host Member: refers to a party who has entered into a use agreement with the Company in accordance with the Host Terms of Use and who registers or monetizes the Services provided by the Company. "Host Member" also means "Host". "General Members" and "Host Members" are collectively referred to as "Members".
  5. "ID" refers to the email or mobile phone ID established by the Member to identify the Member and use the Service.
  6. "Password" means an online password established by the Member to verify that the Member is the Member and to protect the confidentiality of the Member's information that matches the Member's assigned ID.
  7. "Post" refers to information in the form of text, pictures, videos, and various files and links posted by the Member to the Service in the form of symbols, text, voice, sound, image, video, etc. when using the Service, including reviews, Q&A, etc. of the "space" used by the Member through the Service.
  8. "Host admin page" refers to the space and revenue management page that you provide for "Host Members".

Section 3 (Posting and Revision of Terms)

  1. "The Company will post the contents of these Terms on the initial screen of the Service to make them readily apparent to Members.
  2. "The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they do not violate applicable laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
  3. "If the Company revises the Terms and Conditions, it will notify the Member by posting it on the service screen 7 days before the effective date, specifying the effective date and the reason for the revision. However, if it is a change that is unfavorable to the Member or significant, the Company shall notify the Member via the contact information registered by the Member 30 days prior to the application.
  4. "You will be deemed to have accepted the Terms as amended if you do not expressly reject them or continue to use the Service after they are amended.

section 4 (interpretation of terms)

  1. "The Company may have separate terms and conditions governing the use of the Space and the specifics of booking, canceling, refunding, etc.
  2. Any matter or interpretation not provided for in these Terms or the Terms of Use shall be governed by applicable laws or common practice.

Article 5 (Restrictions on Use Agreement)

  1. The Use Agreement is concluded when a person who wishes to become a "Member" (hereinafter referred to as "Member Applicant") agrees to the contents of these Terms and Conditions and applies for membership, and the Company approves such application. "The Company shall receive and store the name, contact information, and e-mail address of the Member in concluding the Use Agreement, and may provide it to the Host Member within the scope of providing the Service.
  2. The "Company" may approve the use of the "Service" upon the application of the "Membership Applicant". However, the Company may not approve the application falling under any of the following items or may subsequently terminate the use contract.

(1) The applicant has previously been terminated from membership under these Terms. (2) If the applicant's name is not his/her real name or if he/she uses the name of another person (3) If the applicant provides false information or fails to provide the information required by the Company (4) If a minor under the age of 14 applies without the consent of his/her legal representative (5) If the applicant cannot be approved due to reasons attributable to the applicant or if the applicant violates any other stipulated conditions

  1. In applying for membership pursuant to Paragraph 1, the Company may request real name verification and identity verification through professionals.
  2. "The Company is not obligated to describe the Services and may withhold acceptance if there are issues of feasibility or verifiability.
  3. If the Company does not approve or reserves approval of the membership application pursuant to Paragraphs 2 and 4, the Company shall, in principle, notify the applicant.
  4. The time of establishment of the use contract shall be the time when the Company indicates the completion of the subscription in the application process.
  5. "The Company may impose restrictions on the use or classification of Members in order to comply with the classification and age in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Motion Pictures and Video Works and the Youth Protection Act.

Article 6 (Change of Member Information)

The "Member" shall modify the information provided at the time of membership application through the profile management screen of the "Service" if the information has changed. The "Company" shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by the failure of the "Member" to modify the information.

Article 7 (Privacy Obligations)

  1. "The Company endeavors to protect the personal information of its members in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, including the Information and Communications Network Act. The protection and use of personal information is governed by the relevant laws and regulations and the Company's privacy policy. However, the Company's privacy policy does not apply to linked sites other than the Company's official site.
  2. "Even though the Company has taken considerable care to protect personal information, the Company shall not be liable for any damage or leakage of personal information of the Member in violation of the relevant laws and regulations of the General Member or Host Member and the Operation Host Terms of Use.

Article 8 (Member's obligation to manage "ID" and "password")

  1. "The Member shall be responsible for the management of the Member's ID and password and shall not allow any third party to use it.
  2. "The Company may restrict the use of a Member's ID if there is a concern that the Member's ID may leak personal information, be antisocial or against public morals, or be mistaken for the Company and the operator of the Company.
  3. "The Member shall immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions if the Member becomes aware that the User ID and Password have been compromised or are being used by a third party.
  4. In the case of Paragraph 3, the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by the Member's failure to notify the Company or, even if notified, to follow the Company's instructions.

section 9 (notices to "members")

  1. "Notifications from the Company to the Member may be made to the e-mail address provided in the membership application unless otherwise provided in these Terms.
  2. "The Company may substitute the notice in Paragraph 1 by posting it on the Company's notice board for more than 7 days in the case of notice to all Members.

Article 10 (Obligations of the Company)

1. The Company shall not engage in any acts prohibited by applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions or contrary to public order and morals, and shall do its best to provide the Service continuously and stably.

2. The "Company" shall have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that the "Member" can use the "Service" safely, and shall disclose and comply with the privacy policy.

3. The Company shall have the necessary personnel and systems to properly handle complaints or requests for damage relief from Members arising in connection with the use of the Service.

4. The "Company" shall handle any opinions or complaints raised by the "Member" regarding the use of the "Service" if it recognizes that they are justified. The "Company" shall communicate the process and results of any opinions or complaints raised by the "Member" to the "Member" through bulletin boards, e-mail, or telephone.

5. In the case of opinions or complaints raised by the "Member" in Paragraph 4 of this Article, the operator, the "Host Member's" Q&A, public policies, etc. can be checked at any time, or opinions and complaints that are not for trust are not obliged to reply.

Article 11 (Obligations of "Members")

1. a "member" shall not

(1) Registration of false information when applying for membership or changing membership information and when reserving or changing space

(2) Stealing someone else's information

(3) Changes to information posted by "Company"

(4) Transmitting or posting information (computer programs, etc.) other than the information specified by the Company, etc.

(5) Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights of the Company and other third parties

(6) Damaging the reputation or interfering with the business of the Company and other third parties

(7) Disclose or post obscene or violent messages, images, audio, or other information that violates public order and morals on the Service

(8) Use of the Service for commercial purposes without the consent of the Company

(9) Other illegal or unfair conduct

2. The Member shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the use policy, and the precautions notified by the Company in connection with the Service, and shall not engage in any other acts that interfere with the Company's business.

Section 12 (Provision of Services, etc.)

1. The "Services" provided by the "Company" to the "Member" are as follows.

(1) Spatial Search Service

(2) Space reservation service

(3) Payment Service (only applicable to "spaces" that have applied for the Host Member's payment service)

(4) Q&A board and testimonial registration service

(5) Any other services further developed by the Company or provided to the Member through partnership agreements with other companies, etc.

2. Space reservation service and payment service are differentiated as shown below.

(1) Payment at the same time as application: As soon as a General Member applies for a space reservation through the Service, the reservation is confirmed and paid immediately without the approval of the Host Member.

(2) Payment after host reservation approval: When a "General Member" applies for a space reservation, the "Host Member" determines whether or not to review and approve the reservation, and then the "General Member" makes payment.

3. The "Company" may divide the "Service" into certain ranges and specify the availability time for each range separately. However, in such cases, the Company shall notify the contents in advance.

4. The "Company" may temporarily suspend the provision of the "Service" if there is a substantial reason for maintenance, inspection, replacement, or failure of information and communication facilities such as computers, communication interruption, or operation. In this case, the "Company" shall notify the "Member" in the manner prescribed in Article 9 [Notification to the "Member"]. However, if there is an unavoidable reason that the Company cannot notify in advance, the Company may notify afterward.

5. The Company may conduct regular inspections if necessary for the provision of the Service, and the time of regular inspection shall be as announced on the service provision screen.

section 13 (changes to the services)

1. The Company may change all or part of the Services it provides if there are significant operational or technical reasons.

2. If there is a change in the content, method of use, and time of use of the Service, the Company shall post the reason for the change, the content of the Service to be changed, and the date of provision on the initial screen of the Service before the change.

3. the Company may modify, discontinue, or change some or all of the Services provided free of charge in accordance with the needs of the Company's policies and operations, and shall not compensate the Member separately for this unless there are special provisions in relevant laws and regulations.

Article 14 (Provision of Information and Placement of Advertisements)

1. The "Company" may provide various information deemed necessary by the "Member" during the use of the "Service" to the "Member" by means of announcements or e-mail. However, the "Member" may refuse to receive e-mails at any time, except for transaction-related information and answers to customer inquiries in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In this case, the Company shall not be liable if the Member is unable to receive the necessary information due to the Member's refusal.

2. If the "Company" intends to transmit the information in Paragraph 1 by telephone or mobile phone, the "Company" shall obtain the prior consent of the "Member". However, the Company may transmit the Member's transaction-related information and replies to customer inquiries without the prior consent of the Member.

3. The Company may post advertisements on the Service screen, homepage, e-mail, etc. in connection with the operation of the Service. A Member who receives an e-mail containing an advertisement may refuse to receive it by contacting the Company.

section 15 (copyright and management of posts)

1. the copyright of the Postings posted by the Member within the Service belongs to the author of such Postings.

2. The "Posts" posted by the "Member" within the "Service" may be exposed in search results, the "Service" and related promotions, etc. and may be partially modified, reproduced, edited and posted to the extent necessary for such exposure. In this case, the Company shall comply with the provisions of copyright laws, and the Member may take measures such as deleting, excluding from search results, or disclosing such Posts at any time through the customer center or the management function within the Service.

3. The Company shall obtain the consent of the Member in advance via telephone, fax, e-mail, etc. if the Company intends to use the Member's "Postings" in a manner other than Paragraph 2.

4. The "Member" shall not infringe on the rights of third parties in the "Service", and if the "Member's" "Post" contains content that violates the relevant laws and regulations such as the "Information and Communication Network Act" and the "Copyright Act", the right holder may request the "Company" to suspend or delete the "Post" in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations, and the "Company" may take action in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

5. Even if there is no request from the right holder pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company may take temporary measures against the Posting in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations if there is a reason to recognize infringement of rights or other violations of the Company's policies and relevant laws and regulations.

Article 16 (Attribution of Rights)

1. the copyright and intellectual property rights to the Service belong to the Company.

2. The "Company" grants the "Member" only the right to use the "Service" in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the "Company", and the "Member" may not transfer, sell, provide collateral, or otherwise dispose of the "ID".

Article 17 (Cancellation, Termination, etc.)

1. The "Member" may apply for termination of the use contract at any time through the customer center or my information management menu on the initial screen of the service, and the "Company" shall immediately process it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

2. If the "Member" terminates the use contract, all data of the "Member" will be destroyed immediately upon termination, except in the case where the "Company" retains the member information in accordance with the relevant laws and privacy policy. However, even if the "Member" terminates the use contract, the posts made by the "Member" will not be deleted, so please delete the "Posts" before terminating the use contract.

3. The Member shall not use all Services upon termination of the Use Agreement and shall cancel the application to the Service. If the Member fails to cancel the application to use the space, the Company may terminate the Member's Use Agreement notwithstanding Article 18.

Article 18 (Reservation and Cancellation of Space, etc.)

1. A "General Member" who wishes to reserve a "Space" registered on the "Service" applies according to the method provided by the "Service", and the reservation of the "Space" is completed when the "Host Member" approves it on the "Service".

2. The space reservation method supported by the Service may be (i) reservation confirmation and payment are completed at the same time as the application, or (ii) payment is completed after the host approves the reservation.

3. The Company does not make any guarantees regarding the detailed conditions of using the "Space" registered by the "Host Member", and the "General Member" must accurately check the detailed conditions of using the "Space" created by the "Host Member" in the "Service" before booking the "Space". All losses and damages caused by booking the "Space" without checking this shall be borne by the "General Member".

4. If, at the option of the Host Member, the reservation application for a Space requires payment in advance, the General Member who wishes to reserve a Space shall pay the reservation fee for the Space in advance through the payment method designated by the General Member, such as a credit card, and the reservation for the Space will be completed. "Once a Space has been reserved, it may be canceled by the legal representative of the User, and the details of transactions with minors shall be governed by relevant laws.

5. "Company" means the Service, and whether a reservation can be canceled after the reservation of a "Space" between a "General Member" and a "Host Member" is completed is distinguished in these Terms, the Terms of Use or the detailed conditions of the "Space".

6. Reservations for "Space" registered in the "Services" may be subject to limited cancellation, if any.

7. A "General Member" who has reserved a "Space" that can be canceled may cancel the reservation through the Company's service after receiving the notice in Paragraph 5 of this Article.

8. "General Members" may not cancel a reservation for a "Space" reservation if the cancellation period under the relevant laws has elapsed or if the reservation falls under any of the restricted reasons for cancellation set forth in the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

9. If the Company requests the cancellation of a reservation for unaccountable reasons after the cancellation period for General Members has elapsed or if it falls under the reservation cancellation restrictions, the Company may incur a cancellation fee as notified in advance in the detailed terms and conditions of the Space or the User Policy.

10. If a General Member fails to use a Space reservation due to a reason attributable to the Host Member, the Host Member shall bear all responsibility for the same, and the Company shall not be liable for the same. The Company is not a party to the e-commerce sale as a provider of the e-commerce intermediary system, and shall not be liable for any disputes related to the reservation, payment, cancellation, or refund of the Space between the Host Member and the General Member within the Service.

Article 19 (Restrictions on Use, etc.)

1. The "Company" may restrict the use of the "Service" in stages by warning, suspension, permanent suspension, termination of the use contract, etc. if the "Member" violates the obligations of these Terms and Conditions or interferes with the normal operation of the "Service". 

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the "Company" may immediately suspend the use of the "Service" permanently in case of violation of relevant laws and regulations, such as violation of the "Resident Registration Act", provision and interference with the operation of illegal programs in violation of the "Copyright Act", illegal communication and hacking in violation of the "Information and Communication Network Act", distribution of malicious programs, excessive use of access rights, etc. In connection with the suspension of use pursuant to this paragraph, the benefits obtained through the use of the "Service" shall also be canceled, and the "Company" shall not compensate separately.

3. The Company may restrict the use of the Service for the protection of Member information and operational efficiency if the Member does not log in for more than 3 months continuously.

4. The Company may make a Member's account dormant for the protection of the Member's information and operational efficiency if the Member has not logged in continuously for more than one year. If dormant, it will be kept separate and secure.

5. The Company shall determine the specific details of the scope of the restrictions on the use of this Article in the Use Policy.

6. In the event of restricting the use of the Service or terminating the Agreement in accordance with this Article, the Company shall act in accordance with Article 19 Notification to Members.

7. The "Member" may file an appeal against the restriction of use under this Article in accordance with the procedure established by the "Company". At this time, if the Company recognizes that the objection is justified, the Company shall immediately resume the use of the Service.

section 20 (limitation of liability)

1. The Company shall be exempted from liability for providing the Service if it is unable to provide the Service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure.

2. The Company shall not be liable for any failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the Member.

3. The Company is not responsible for the contents of the "Posts", information, data, reliability, accuracy of facts, etc. posted by General Members and Host Members in connection with the "Service".

4. The Company is not responsible for transactions conducted through the Service between Members or between Members and third parties.

5. The Company shall not be liable for the use of services provided free of charge unless otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations.

section 21 (governing law and venue)

1. Lawsuits filed between the Company and the Member shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.

2. Lawsuits concerning disputes arising between the Company and the Member shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the Member's address at the time of filing; however, the jurisdiction over legal disputes where the Member's address or residence is not clear at the time of filing shall be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

3. In the case of a Member with an address or residence overseas, any dispute between the Company and the Member shall be brought to the Seoul Central District Court in the Republic of Korea in accordance with the Seoul Central District Court Act.

Addendum (effective date)

These terms will be effective July 15, 2024.

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